of Decorative Painters This is a wonderful organization for
everyone interested in decorative painting of all types. The site lists information on
membership, local chapters, certification, conventions, the Decorative Painter magazine
and much more.
Nation's Capital Chapter of the Society of Decorative
Painters located in the Washington DC metro area. Their primary
focus is to share and promote their love of decorative painting with others having similar
Bridge Tolers is an affiliated Chapter of The Society
of Decorative Painters located in Contra Costa County, near San Francisco. Their primary
focus is to share and promote their love of decorative painting with others having similar
Pampered Palette - The Premier studio for the
discerning artist" located in Gainesville VA not far from Dulles
International airport.
Ronnie Bringle: Ronnie Bringle's brand new web
site is a great place to shop for all Ronnie's packets, books,
specialty brushes, videos and audio tapes. Check the seminar
schedule for classes being held in your area.